Posts by admin:
- AA3627 芝加哥-雪城 飞行记录
- AA186 北京-芝加哥 飞行记录
- 北京市区一日游:国家博物馆+中山公园
- (English) Assassination Classroom Season 1&2, a Japanese Animation Series that didn’t get enough to deliver
- (English) London Has Fallen (2016), an overall good action movie with unrealistic settings
- (English) Your Lie in April, a Japanese animation series bravely endeavored into the musical world, and then got lost
- (English) Flight (2012), a movie with heoric scenes and prolonged bathroom breaks
- (English) Ajin season 1, an animation series that transcends its peers
- KN2252大同-北京南苑 飞行记录
- 周末山西之旅第二天:恒山