Updated on November 8, 2016
Picnic in Stewart Park, Ithaca on August 4th, 2016, and Night Views in Cornell
I’m not sure, but somehow it seemed that the organizers of the month-long workshop at Cornell thought there should be some unique activities each week. So for the last week, the organized a picnic at Stewart Park, a local recreational park on Lake Cayuga.
There was food (sadly I guessed this unproportionally summarized the picnic for quite a number of us), ball games offered by the wonderful professors at Cornell, and breathtaking views of Lake Cayuga under a setting sun. There wasn’t much to talk about for the picnic, so this post would largely be a photo display of sunset at Stewart Park, together with the birds that dwelt in it.
As with Chinese convention, the two of us from Tsinghua joined the procession of SJTU students, and laughed our way for 2.8 kilometers to Stewart Park.
The images in this post are hosted on Imgur. Email me should there be any display problems.

Toad Decorations outside HomesSince the majority of the program participants came from SJTU, there was quite some excitement as this being a metaphor for the Toad.
Here I shall skip the food part of the picnic. I shall summarize the ball game part of the picnic by saying I played Badminton with my friend, with a soft bat designed for kids (which was super fun); and I made the first baseball swing of my life, also with a plastic bat designed for kids. So, it was basically the professors offering toys for their once kindergarten sons and daughters to a bunch of university students.
Moving on to the scenery part, the park looked splendid by the water under a setting sun.
Then I bumped into a bunch of ducks and gulls, traces of nature.
Oh, the ducks and gulls were fed. No wonder there’re so many of them flying around.
At this time I thought it’s too early to call it a day, so I went up the slopes for more night shots.
It felt to me that stars were a thing of the past in China under its severe air pollutions. Seeing the in the states was like, meeting a good old friend that I’ve long missed. Although stars were among the least of things I longed for.
Also, the five minutes of taking these shots were a good time for contemplation, for a pause that otherwise would not be possible in the daily rushes.
Picnic in Stewart Park, Ithaca on August 4th, 2016, and Night Views in Cornell by Huang's Site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.