Updated on April 23, 2022
Day Tour of North Seattle
For the last day in Seattle, I planned to tour the city’s Northern districts, Fremont and UW regions, before hopping onto evening flights back to DC.
Unfortunately, weather’s not very cooperative as it was raining throughout the day. To make matters worse, after days of experiencing Seattle’s public buses I learned they were always late, which was a perpetual fact that Google Maps were only able to learn at the last minute. Unhappy face.
My first (and probably only) stop of the day was Gas Works Park. Google Maps was pretty active in recommending Fremont Troll by displaying its pin at low zoom ratio. Since I would be transferring buses near that sculpture, I paid it a visit.
By Wikipedia, the idea of a troll living under a bridge is derived from Scandinavian folklore. Apart from that, I didn’t find this sculpture particularly interesting.
Then it’s Gas Works Park, probably the second best location for viewing Seattle Skyline (after Kerry Park).
The park was built on the site of a former coal gasification plant, as there were some factory parts still left to rust behind fences.
Rain was falling steadily, and I was probably the only person in the park besides a bunch of geese. On a good note, wind wasn’t very strong, and I were still able to take these photos while keeping my front lens dry.

Factory MachinerySome parts were dismantled, repainted, and put into a nearby warehouse for display.
After that, I made my way to Henry Art Gallery which was in University of Washington’s campus.
Unfortunately, I found out its exhibits were few and uniformly modern art like this, which I could hardly appreciate.
And the Art Gallery had more people in its cafeteria enjoying lunch than its exhibit rooms.
Originally, next on my list was UW’s campus. But since I wasn’t particularly in the mood of a tourist on such rainy day, I decided to call of the day’s tour early and head back packing up for airport.
Day Tour of North Seattle by Huang's Site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.