Day 5 of Carolinas Vacation, Charleston Day 2

Our second and last day of touring the historic city of Charleston South Carolina. We had to reach Columbia South Carolina for our overnight lodge, so today we would be visiting Fort Sumter, the place where Civil War started, and then be on our way to Columbia. So much for the historic buildings in downtown Charleston.

Fort Sumter and Distant Charleston

Fort Sumter and Distant Charleston

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Flight Log of Southwest Airlines Flight 3177 from Salt Lake City to Baltimore

After more than two weeks of road trip exploring Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks, we were back at Salt Lake City for a night’s rest, before taking a morning flight back to Washington DC where I would be preparing my apartment moveout.

North Sale Lake City Suburb

North Sale Lake City Suburb

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Day 16 of 2019 Western US Tour, July 27, Road Trip to Salt Lake City

Our final day roaming America’s mountain areas for the summer of 2019. The plan of the day was to drive from Kalispell, the gateway to Glacier National Park, to Salt Lake City, where our flight to Washington DC would depart the next day.

Interstate 15

Interstate 15

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Day 3 of 2019 Western US Tour, July 14, Salt Lake City

Sunday July 14, 2019. After landing in Salt Lake City last night, we planned to use the day as a buffer before our road trip to Yellowstone / Glacier National Parks, visiting a few attractions of Salt Lake City while gearing up for two weeks on the road.

Overlooking Salt Lake City

Overlooking Salt Lake City

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Flight Log of Southwest Airlines Flight 2674 from Oakland to Salt Lake City

After spending two days visiting San Francisco, one of the loveliest cities in US by a tourist stand point, we were about to take an evening flight to Salt Lake City.

Taking Off San Francisco Bay

Taking Off San Francisco Bay

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Flight Log of Southwest Airlines Flight 1641 from Baltimore to Oakland

A post about my flight from Baltimore to Oakland, California through wonderful landscapes of United States of America.

Comb Ridge

Comb Ridge

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Day 2 of Carolinas Vacation, Outer Banks Day 1

Second day of our road trip to the Carolinas, as we left Norfolk, Virginia and set off for the Outer Banks.

Model of Wright Brothers' Plane

Model of Wright Brothers’ Plane

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Day 1 of Carolinas Vacation, Battlefields of Yorktown

It was end of May and beginning of summer, and I decided my adventures should go a little bit farther than usual, and there came this trip to the Carolinas.

So on the afternoon of May 30th, I went to New Jersey to pick up a dear friend and very good companion for the trip, and we set off for Norfolk, Virginia the next morning. It was 4pm by the time we drove past Yorktown, as we decided that

  • We would be driving into rush hour traffic of Norfolk, which would be bad.
  • I had been driving for hours that day without any sightseeing, which would be boring.

Since Yorktown Colonial National Historical Park was just nearby (actually I could see the spire of Victory Monument as I crossed York River), we decided to pay it a visit.



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Hiking in Rocks State Park, Maryland

A bright sunny weekend in the middle of May, as I decided to embrace nature again. This time, I picked Rocks State Park in Northern Maryland, which consists of many short hiking trails.

King and Queen Seat

King and Queen Seat

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Day 4 of Carolinas Vacation, Charleston Day 1

As we left Outer Banks last night it was about halfway of our road trip to the Carolinas. Today and tomorrow we would be enjoying the wonderful historic city of Charleston South Carolina.

Setting Sun over City of Charleston

Setting Sun over City of Charleston

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